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It was so fun talking to coworkers about how landlords have literally no skills and being able to pull this up and show them and say, See? None.

Immutably satisfying!

Always happy to help you win arguments 🫡

Oh and this reminds me, I've still gotta answer your correspondence! Haven't forgotten, just been juggling too much lol

(1 edit) (+1)

At some point, I;m gonna have to enlist you as a collaborator on my 'Existential Ennui: the RPG' game.

The Player Characters take on the role of ‘ordinary Joe’ (or ‘Josephine’).

Monday to Saturday, from 09:00 to 18:00, they go to work in some menial role (like shop assistant, warehouse worker, bank-teller, whatever).

It takes an hour to get ready for work in the morning (90 minutes if they have kids).

It takes an hour to drop the kids off at school and/or get to their place of work.

It takes an hour to return home after work.

They sleep from 23:00 to 07:00 (if they're lucky).

In the four hours per day remaining to them (after the shops have shut) during the week … and the sixteen hours on Sundays … they cook and eat, go shopping, do the laundry, etc. whilst trying to find things to do that aren’t mind-numbingly, soul-sappingly, spirit-crushingly tedious — examples of such activities being, say, cow-tipping … or going to bars to get blind-drunk and forget how much they wish they could simply lie down, go to sleep and never have to wake up again … or whatever.

Adventures consist of questing for, and participating in, these activities.

Obstacles to overcome along the way include grinding poverty that is inescapable thanks to inflation outstripping wages two-to-one, unemployment, the gig economy, racism, misogyny, ill-health, the depredations of age, traffic jams, vehicle repairs, broken washing machines and the need to take a day off work to wait for the repairman (who never comes, but logs a visit all the same), burglary, muggings, funerals for loved ones (so a reduced support network), the sociocultural oppression of the suburbs, acrimonious relationship breakups, feuds with unreasonable neighbours … and many other aspects of the futility and drudgery of Life.

I hadn't considered unemployment and the elan destroying search for work you never hear anything about (your online applications vanishing into the ether, almost like the job listing were a scam to get your details) though, so, there's clearly more (ha!) work needs doing on this idea ; )


I caught the tail end of your work on this as you were developing it! I'm super excited to play it some day with my group, you captured a lot of how this stuff suuucks.


it sucks!! its really a sign of the times that i put a ton of painful personal stuff in here and it resonated so consistently with other folks, but its also kinda encouraging, yknow? we've seen the shape of the enemy, even if we're all looking at it from different angles. we know what needs to be changed. all that's left is not giving up.